Education and Learning

Education and learning are the pillars of social development. Commitment to and for children, adolescents and young adults is therefore one of the main concerns of the Foundation. The aim is to compensate for gaps in their education or even encourage basic learning by developing language skills. Only those who actively attend to children's needs are able to detect aptitude and talent which can then be steered in the right direction. Enabling future generations to comply with the growing demands of the job world.

Early Excellence

Our foundation attempts to promote education and learning for children at the earliest possible stage.

Education for Indian girls

Since 2016, we have been supporting LIFT e.V. in promoting the education of Indian girls in Mysore.

EnerTec student lab

Support of the EnerTec student laboratory at the Saarland University

German for little people

In the "German for Little People" programme of the Catholic Family Education Centre in Neunkirchen, children from 3 to 5 years, predominantly of Arab origin, are introduced to the German language through play.

"Meister"-Prize for electricians

The start-up prize for the German electrical trade known as the ‘Master’ is awarded once every two years in the form of three individual prizes of 10,000 Euro.

Music programme for children

The funding gives over 120 children the opportunity to participate in this early musical education project in Colombia.

Prof Express: Online student tutoring

Student tutoring in Obernai

Speech to high school graduates of the Saarland

A joint project of the Saarländischer Rundfunk, the Saarland Ministry of Education and the Peter und Luise Hager Foundation.

Spohns Haus holiday camp

The summer camp at the “Spohns Haus Ecological School Camp” is know as the biggest youth exchange programme in Germany.

Workshops at KuBa

Workshops for teens during the Easter and summer holidays at KuBa.

Student Research Centre in Saarlouis

Experiencing science up close


Peter und Luise Hager-Stiftung
Kamila Banasiak
Zum Gunterstal 
66440 Blieskastel 


We would be delighted to receive donations towards our current or future projects
If you wish to find out more about how you can lend some financial support, please mail to

Thank you very much for your support!

IBAN: DE61 2012 0100 1000 4855 00    BIC: WBWCDEHHXXX
