The Peter und Luise Hager Award KIT

Science award in the area of chemical and process engineering

The Peter und Luise Hager Prize acknowledges outstanding achievements by individual graduates and post-graduates in the area of chemical and process engineering.

Prizes are awarded to outstanding master or doctoral theses achieving minimum A grades, focusing on the area of energy and environment technology, and completed at a facility of the KIT with an energy and environment technology focus, such as the Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering. A specific reference to renewable energies, storage and networks is also desirable.

Starting this year, a special prize can be awarded in addition to the main prize. Dr. Ing. Florian Nestler was awarded the main prize of 3,000 euros for his outstanding doctoral thesis on "Dynamic Operation of Power-to-X Processes Demonstrated by Methanol Synthesis" (see photo, centre). The master's thesis by Julian Dutzi, M.Sc. on "Further development of the biomass gasification process in supercritical water with a focus on increasing gasification efficiency" was honoured with the special prize of 1,000 euros.

Photo: Prize-winner Dr Ing Florian Nestler (middle) 
Photograph: Moritz Schäfer


Peter und Luise Hager-Stiftung
Kamila Banasiak
Zum Gunterstal 
66440 Blieskastel 


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