Holiday childcare at the "Stadtbauernhof Saarbrücken"
In 2024 we have joined forces with the Stadtbauernhof Saarbrücken e.V. (city farm). During the summer holidays, the Stadtbauernhof offers holiday care for primary school children. Together they harvest vegetables fresh from the field and prepare fresh meals in the outdoor kitchen. The children help to look after the chickens and gain experience with bees. In this way, they learn where the food they buy in the supermarket actually comes from and find out which foods grow when, how they are cultivated and what variety of vegetables we have in Germany. In the spirit of ‘education for sustainable development’, they are also taught about topics such as the greenhouse effect, food waste, food origin and seasonal and regional food in an age-appropriate way.
More information at Stadtbauernhof Saarbrücken – Der Mitmachhof.