Kulturverein Burbach e.V.

„Here at home“ - Feeling at home in a new and culturally different society

The members of the Kulturverein Burbach e.V. have set out to make contributions and provide positive impulses for the further development of the Saarbrücken district of Burbach through their voluntary commitment.

The aim of the sponsorship is to teach the German language and culture to refugee families and their children who have found a new home in Saarbrücken-Burbach, so that they have the chance to actively shape social coexistence in the community and feel "at home" in it.

The project is carried out by the cultural association in close cooperation with the elementary school Weyersberg and a recently hired "specialist" Ms. Salam Alshahin. Ms. Alshahin, who as a refugee from Syria completed her federal voluntary service at the aforementioned elementary school, acts as a permanent contact point in the office of the Kulturverein, where she is available to the refugees for discussions, consultations and mediations.

Further information at kulturverein-burbach.de.

Photos and logo: © Kulturverein Burbach e.V. 



Peter und Luise Hager-Stiftung
Kamila Banasiak
Zum Gunterstal 
66440 Blieskastel 


We would be delighted to receive donations towards our current or future projects
If you wish to find out more about how you can lend some financial support, please mail to stiftung@hager.de

Thank you very much for your support!

IBAN: DE61 2012 0100 1000 4855 00    BIC: WBWCDEHHXXX
