Vivre le deuil ensemble

Training volunteers in grief counselling

Vivre le deuil ensemble (Grieving together) is a charitable organization in the French region Grand Est. We all know that death and the grief it brings are part of our lives. Yet it is still difficult for people and especially for those immediately involved to deal with being confronted by the death of a loved one.

The volunteers are trained with the financial support offered by the Foundation enabling them to offer people optimum end-of-life or grief counselling as required. But also in order to receive support in their own work.

The aim of the association is to support bereaved persons of all ages, individually or in (self-help) groups, in workshops, through excursions, hikes or other activities, in order to help them - free of religious or ideological influence - to find balance in their lives again. The training and further education of the helpers required for this purpose is part of the funding purpose.


Peter und Luise Hager-Stiftung
Kamila Banasiak
Zum Gunterstal 
66440 Blieskastel 


We would be delighted to receive donations towards our current or future projects
If you wish to find out more about how you can lend some financial support, please mail to

Thank you very much for your support!

IBAN: DE61 2012 0100 1000 4855 00    BIC: WBWCDEHHXXX
